Increasing the prestige of legal education in the field of human rights protection
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Increasing the prestige of legal education in the field of human rights protection

Increasing the prestige of legal education in the field of human rights protection

In today's conditions, modern circumstances demand an increase in the prestige of legal education on human rights in order to increase the educational potential, implement effective reform of the Ukrainian system of higher education, improve the quality of provision of legal services to citizens and increase the level of legal education of Ukrainian citizens. In recent years, Ukrainian legal education has undergone significant changes, and the importance of the law in the life of citizens is becoming wider. Thus, it can be argued that any legal profession, above all, proceeds from the work of a lawyer, since the main purpose of any legal activity is the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the fair consideration of any violations in the legal field, and highly qualified legal help for each person on the basis of equality of all people.