Human Rights Education

Youth is the driving force of any society and state as a whole, which is why young people are best placed to improve their future. Against this background, one should not forget that young people need a high level of education and culture. Therefore, one of the important directions is to educate young people in the culture of understanding their responsibilities and rights. In view of this, the clarification of youth's rights and the promotion of human rights ideas, internationally recognized standards for human rights and fundamental freedoms becomes crucial. This activity is designed to form young people with knowledge and understanding of their rights, their ability to use and protect them, and to realize that it not only has certain inalienable rights, but also has a number of important responsibilities.
In the context of the foregoing, there is a need for organizing certain events that will enable them to familiarize themselves with their rights and responsibilities. A variety of human rights events, such as tournaments, competitions, brave rings and more, can serve as an effective way to achieve this. Such educational activities provide young people with a solid knowledge of human rights protection, try themselves as human rights activists, get acquainted with various aspects of relevant topics and take part in competitions that will help participants feel the spirit of healthy competition and the desire to win.
- Academic Integrity
- Essays on a scientific-practical conference on the protection of human rights УДК 342.7(477)(082) Н28
- Human Rights Education
- Organization and conducting of scientific events
- Lectures and practical classes
- Increasing the prestige of legal education in the field of human rights protection
- Collected conferences in the field of human rights protection
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