SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL CONFERENCE on human rights protection (collection of abstracts) June 1, 2022
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SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL CONFERENCE on human rights protection (collection of abstracts) June 1, 2022

SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL CONFERENCE on human rights protection (collection of abstracts) June 1, 2022

On June 1, 2022, a SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL CONFERENCE dedicated to the protection of human rights (collection of abstracts) was held online on June 1, 2022.

The topics of the conference cover the following areas:

General theoretical aspect of human rights protection in today's conditions;
Doctrine and practice of the human rights protection system;
Problems of state formation and protection of human rights;
Contemporary ECtHR practice;
Features of protection of human rights in the conditions of armed conflict;
Issues of protecting national security and preventing the spread of terrorism;
Human rights violations and their protection: Ukraine and foreign experience;
Other topical issues.

The collection of abstracts of the conference can be found at the following link:

Нариси науково-практичної конференції присвяченої проблематиці захисту прав людини (ІІ) (