My right

Implementation of the development of a legal and democratic state is by no means possible without the perception of every person of his constitutional rights. In the Constitution of Ukraine, which is the Basic Law of the state, one of the enshrined human rights is the right of a citizen to knowledge of his rights and freedoms, and this consolidation also serves as one of the basic rights of every person. That is, it can be argued that the right of individuals to know their rights and freedoms is one of the constitutional rights of each. It is clear that such consolidation is necessary for every citizen, taking into account the circumstances that human rights are an integral part of the life of every citizen. Knowledge of their rights and freedoms is simply necessary for every person. In addition, a person should not only know his rights, but also be able to use this knowledge in practice in solving significant life situations. In Ukraine there is currently no single legal act, which in a certain way regulates the peculiarities of informing citizens about their rights or legislative changes to them. Thus, the awareness of their rights and freedoms remains at the discretion of the community itself and depends solely on their legal consciousness.
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