The main purpose of the UKRO is. b>
protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms and promotion of education development taking into account modern innovations in the field of human rights protection in accordance with the international legal obligations of Ukraine.
The Ukrainian Center for Human Rights and the Development of Educational Innovations brings together lawyers, scholars and specialists from different spheres in such a way as to promote the development of a legal, independent and democratic state through the rule of law and respect for human rights.
The Ukrainian Center for Human Rights and Development of Educational Innovations aims to accumulate all forces (directions) for a comprehensive understanding and further resolution of a particular problem in the field of human rights protection both through the direction of legal aid and in practice (providing factual assistance).
But today's problem in the field of human rights protection is not only in responding promptly and providing appropriate legal assistance, but also in understanding the essence of violations of certain human rights, which must be realized through the development of a holistic, integrated legal culture and consciousness. That is why UKRO stands at the position of paying much attention to the educational direction of understanding the essence of human rights in general and building the necessary educational directions.
All people are equal before the law and have the right, without any difference, to their equal protection by law. All people have the right to equal protection from any kind of discrimination.
Everyone must have rights and freedoms, regardless of race, color, religion, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
Recognition of the dignity inherent in all members of the human family and of their equal and inalienable rights is the basis of freedom, justice and universal peace.
The neglect of human rights leads to acts of barbarism, which upset the conscience of mankind. Creating a world in which people will have freedom of speech and beliefs and will be free from fear and want, is proclaimed as a high desire of people.
All people are free and equal in their dignity and rights. Rights and freedoms are inalienable and inviolable.
Everyone, wherever she is, has the right to recognize her legal personality.
Basic human values !!!
The study of human values is a rather complex issue. This is due to subjective perceptions of values for each person, because each person is an individuality and, accordingly, it has its own vital values. However, there are a number of universally recognized values, including human dignity, equality, freedom, respect for others, non-discrimination, tolerance and responsibility. First of all, we note that human dignity is based on those moral ideals that each person respects in himself and in other people. Usually, it is based on altruism and helping others, those people who really need it. Human dignity is a social phenomenon that is constantly changing and reflected in the consciousness of each individual, depending on its own moral qualities.
Equality is another important human value and is one of the key concepts of the legal thought of different eras. It expresses the same status of people in different circumstances, including their equality before the law or justice. The question of equality is devoted to the huge number of thoughts and writings of philosophers of different eras.
Freedom is a component in determining each individual as an individual. Its essence is manifested in the possibility of choice for every person. Freedom is a component of vital interests for every person.
Respect for others is closely linked to human dignity, because its essence lies in recognition and respect for human dignity. In practice, respect for others is realized in behavior and actions that express the attitude of one person to another, the recognition of his rights and respect for his or her own choice.
Non-discrimination is not only a special value of a person, but also an important legal category. Non-discrimination is the equal treatment of all people without exception, regardless of their religion, nationality, ethnic origin, etc. The principle of non-discrimination is the ability of all people to exercise their rights equally and protect their interests.
Tolerance is synonymous with the word tolerance and means tolerant attitude to what surrounds a person, to the phenomena, attitudes and expressions of others. Tolerance includes respect, acceptance of manifestations of individuality and identity of each person. Tolerance is not only a human value from the point of view of morality, but also a necessary legal and political need.
Responsibility expresses the attitude of each person to his actions. The willingness to bear responsibility and awareness is a manifestation of an adult's personality and a manifestation of a stable social position.
Let's make the world better and kind!
Sincerely yours
The Ukrainian Center for Human Rights and Development of Educational Innovations